Marketing Transcreation: 5 Things To Keep In Mind


Marketing Transcreation: 5 Things To Keep In Mind

Are you considering Marketing Transcreation Services but need to know a bit more about them to make an informed decision? We highlight 5 of the most crucial aspects to keep in mind when requesting transcreation services.

Plus, learn about what the service entails, what you should share with your Language Service Provider (LSP), and when it is the best way to go for your next marketing project.

High-Quality Marketing Transcreation Can Both Engage And Activate

So, first things first. What is Marketing Transcreation and what does it aim to achieve? The term may already be giving something away. Transcreation merges Translation and Creation.

That being said, translation and transcreation do have their differences. Transcreation is a creative process that seeks to create original, branded messaging for new locales where creativity and emotion are explored in the context of the cultural adaptation and values of a specific region.

Because transcreation is a valuable tool in global marketing strategies, there is some freedom involved in the process itself. It breaks free from word-to-word translation and aims to create the most powerful message for each region.

In order to make this work, most campaigns reference the local culture to truly engage with their target audience. This can be achieved by using local slang or even including local heritage. Or sometimes, pop culture may rear its head and prove to be quite effective.

Just think about Norton’s Boldly Go campaign where Star Trek is referenced. Norton is a digital security service provider that develops anti-virus and anti-malware software. In their Boldly Go campaign, they effectively engage English-speaking nations by connecting top-shelf security with the ability to be bold, with that Star Trek reference adding a level of fun and familiarity. Will this reference work in every culture outside of the English-speaking market? No. But then, it is up to the transcreator to find a suitable alternative.

So, first things first. What is Marketing Transcreation and what does it aim to achieve? The term may already be giving something away. Transcreation merges Translation and Creation.

That being said, translation and transcreation do have their differences. Transcreation is a creative process that seeks to create original, branded messaging for new locales where creativity and emotion are explored in the context of the cultural adaptation and values of a specific region.

Because transcreation is a valuable tool in global marketing strategies, there is some freedom involved in the process itself. It breaks free from word-to-word translation and aims to create the most powerful message for each region.

In order to make this work, most campaigns reference the local culture to truly engage with their target audience. This can be achieved by using local slang or even including local heritage. Or sometimes, pop culture may rear its head and prove to be quite effective.

Just think about Norton’s Boldly Go campaign where Star Trek is referenced. Norton is a digital security service provider that develops anti-virus and anti-malware software. In their Boldly Go campaign, they effectively engage English-speaking nations by connecting top-shelf security with the ability to be bold, with that Star Trek reference adding a level of fun and familiarity. Will this reference work in every culture outside of the English-speaking market? No. But then, it is up to the transcreator to find a suitable alternative.

It Can Take Quite Some Time, Mainly In Preparation!

You may have heard that transcreation can take quite a bit of time. And this is true. But the bulk of the time is actually spent on the client-side, in the preparation for the actual service.

If you are looking for marketing transcreation services, you always need to create a Creative Brief. A Creative Brief includes guidelines on your project goals. These documents are used in a variety of industries, such as marketing and advertising, design, and copywriting. Since transcreation can include some or all of these, it is paramount that you put real thought and effort into creating a detailed brief.

So, what should be included in this brief? It should create a clear idea of which ideas you’d like to inspire in your customers and prospects, which emotions you’d like them to experience, and which actions you would like them to take. Make sure that this document is prepared accompanied by brand experts and that it offers any kind of reference material that you see fit to communicate your goals.

Want to get a more detailed overview of everything that should be included in the brief? Have a look at the following presentation, Crafting the Perfect Creative Brief! You can also find a detailed overview of what a Creative Brief consists of in our blog What Is Transcreation And How Is It Best Managed?

Marketing Transcreation May Or May Not Involve Translation

Did you know that you can get marketing transcreation services even if you don’t have a source text? It is true that both translation and creation are referenced in the term itself, but translation might not actually be needed in some cases. You can opt to include translation, but if you want to target a specific country or region with a marketing campaign you don’t have any specific content for, you can get multilingual messaging with just your Creative Brief.

This can be great if you are looking to create a unique campaign for some countries, but you have no idea what kind of content would be effective. For example, if you are looking to launch a social media campaign in a specific region alone, starting from scratch could be the best way to go.

We will get into some specifics on when marketing transcreation would work best for you, but first, what exactly is the difference, then, between a transcreator and a translator?

marketing transcreation

Transcreation Is A Great Fit For Some Projects, And A Less Perfect Fit For Others

Many of our clients and even a handful of marketers, don’t fully understand what transcreation really involves. The assumption is that transcreation is a type of translation or a more profound marketing version of localization, and that if they want content that is culturally as well as linguistically potent, transcreation is the better option. But that is not always the case.

It is true that transcreation is something of a hot topic and, since it is mainly marketed as the way to connect with local markets, it sounds very appealing. That being said, not all marketing content requires transcreation. We mentioned in the section above that transcreation can be done without a source text, and translation may not even be part of the original process. It is possible to simply engage an LSP with your brief and get fresh content from native copywriters. And this applies to social media posts, email marketing, marketing campaigns, and so on.

If you are pleased with your source content, and if it has some messaging unique to your brand that you would like to preserve, approach your LSP for localization services instead. Their professionals will be fully aware of how to make sure that the messaging your team chose in the source language will be just as powerful in the target language.

This is especially true for certain content types, such as any content that reflects your company’s identity like your brand story or value propositions. They are powerful marketing tools for sure, and the translation should reflect their initial purpose and stay  loyal to the brand identity you have worked to develop.

If you have no source text but need targeted messaging for a specific region, then marketing transcreation is definitely the service for you. But in all cases, we recommend that you consult your LSP on the best course of action!

Pro Tip! Want to learn more about when Transcreation would be the best choice for you, and when you should go for localization instead? Then check out our blog Transcreation: When You Should Go For it And When You Should NOT

Marketing Transcreation Follows A Different Pricing System

Now that we have given you an idea of what transcreation involves, you may have guessed that it can be tricky to put a price tag on it. Because of the level of copywriting and creativity involved in transcreation, pricing models follow different standards than conventional translation services. To put it more clearly, in order to successfully complete a transcreation project, you need:

  • Native copywriters in charge of creating targeted content, not simply translating it.
  • If the project has no source text as a reference, extensive research and several review stages may be required to get the optimal result

Because of the complexity of the services that are involved and the type of experts that are required, transcreation is not charged per word. Instead, it is commonly rated per hour or per project.


We defined transcreation as a rather complex process of adapting marketing materials for a new audience. The transcreation process can involve highly creative translation, or it can start from scratch and create targeted messaging with no source text. While a valuable service, it is important to fully understand what it is about, and when it is the right way to go. So, make sure you keep our tips in mind, and engage your LSP in an open conversation about what you need to get the best out of your project.

At Laoret, we offer marketing translation services with native specialists in copywriting, translation and localization. We make sure to leverage only top-level marketing experts who understand your target region. We offer all types of transcreation services, with or without translation, in over 120 languages.

Kick-start your Marketing Transcreation Project. Feel free to Contact Us at any time, we remain available 24/7.

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